What is Thigh Lift?
Thigh lift (thighplasty) is the surgical reshaping of the skin and fat tissue in the inner thigh area of the body. This aesthetic procedure, which aims to correct sagging due to aging, weight gain and loss or genetic factors, provides a firmer and smoother appearance of the legs. The thigh lift operation aims to improve the quality of life of people by increasing their self-confidence.
Thigh Lift Surgery (Thighplasty)
Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) is a surgical procedure that aims to remove loose and sagging skin in the thigh area. During this operation, the excess skin is removed and sutured. The procedure is usually performed through an incision starting from the groin area and extending towards the inner thigh. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes 2-3 hours on average. Liposuction can be performed on the inner knee and hip areas when necessary for further shaping.
Basic stages of thigh lift surgery:
- Detailed pre-operative examination and planning
- Anesthesia application and preparation of sterile environment
- Making the necessary cuts in the determined areas
- Removal of excess skin and fat tissue
- Stretching and suturing the remaining skin
- Closure of the wound with fine stitches
There are two types of thigh lift surgery:
Mini thigh lift: It is preferred in cases where excess skin is limited to the upper thigh. The remaining scars are hidden in the thigh crease. The banana deformity in the lower buttocks can also be improved.
Full thigh lift: This surgery should be preferred in severe sagging where the excess skin continues to the lower parts of the thigh. In addition to the mini thigh lift, it leaves a vertical scar on the inner leg extending into the knee. These scars are hidden on the inner thigh, in the area that matches the seams of the pants and are not visible from the opposite side. A more comprehensive improvement is achieved than with a mini thigh lift.