What is Thigh Lift?

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift (thighplasty) is the surgical reshaping of the skin and fat tissue in the inner thigh area of the body. This aesthetic procedure, which aims to correct sagging due to aging, weight gain and loss or genetic factors, provides a firmer and smoother appearance of the legs. The thigh lift operation aims to improve the quality of life of people by increasing their self-confidence.

Thigh Lift Surgery (Thighplasty)

Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) is a surgical procedure that aims to remove loose and sagging skin in the thigh area. During this operation, the excess skin is removed and sutured. The procedure is usually performed through an incision starting from the groin area and extending towards the inner thigh. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes 2-3 hours on average. Liposuction can be performed on the inner knee and hip areas when necessary for further shaping.

Basic stages of thigh lift surgery:

  • Detailed pre-operative examination and planning
  • Anesthesia application and preparation of sterile environment
  • Making the necessary cuts in the determined areas
  • Removal of excess skin and fat tissue
  • Stretching and suturing the remaining skin
  • Closure of the wound with fine stitches

There are two types of thigh lift surgery:

Mini thigh lift: It is preferred in cases where excess skin is limited to the upper thigh. The remaining scars are hidden in the thigh crease. The banana deformity in the lower buttocks can also be improved.

Full thigh lift: This surgery should be preferred in severe sagging where the excess skin continues to the lower parts of the thigh. In addition to the mini thigh lift, it leaves a vertical scar on the inner leg extending into the knee. These scars are hidden on the inner thigh, in the area that matches the seams of the pants and are not visible from the opposite side. A more comprehensive improvement is achieved than with a mini thigh lift.

Why is Thigh Lift Surgery Preferred?

Thigh lift surgery is preferred to solve aesthetic and functional problems that occur in the thigh area for various reasons. It offers an effective solution especially for people who have lost a large amount of weight within the scope of post-bariatric surgery, in case of decreased skin elasticity due to aging or skin sagging due to genetic factors. In addition to improving the physical appearance of the person, this surgery also increases the comfort of daily life.

Reasons why thigh lift surgery is preferred:

  • Skin sagging after excessive weight loss
  • Decreased skin elasticity due to aging
  • Skin structure problems due to genetic factors
  • Skin laxity that does not improve with sports and diet
  • Discomfort due to friction on the inner thigh
  • Difficulties in choosing clothes
  • Self-confidence problems

How Does Thigh Lift Surgery Work?

The thigh lift surgery process begins with a detailed preliminary evaluation and is performed in a step-by-step protocol. In the first stage, the surgeon examines the patient's medical history and evaluates their expectations. Before the operation, all necessary tests are performed and the patient's health status is checked. On the day of the operation, markings are made, anesthesia is applied and the surgical procedure is started. In thigh stretching, the sutures are fixed to the fascia structures that can bear weight on the inner thigh. In case of excessive tension in these sutures, wound openings may occur. For this reason, preoperative markings should be made very carefully.

Stages of the surgical process:

  • Detailed health assessment and examinations
  • Following the rule of fasting for 8 hours before surgery
  • Marking and photographing the operation area
  • Anesthesia application and operating room preparation
  • Performing surgical intervention with the determined technique
  • Intensive follow-up for the first 24 hours

What is the Recovery Process After Thigh Lift Surgery?

The thigh lift surgery recovery process starts in the hospital immediately after surgery and usually requires 1-2 days of hospitalization depending on the condition of the person. Edema and mild pain are normal in the first week and special compression garments are used. Patients can usually return to their daily routines within 2-3 weeks, but full recovery may take 3-6 months. During the healing process, regular checks are performed and recommendations are updated according to the patient's condition. It is one of the surgeries that patients should pay the most attention after surgery. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, there is a high probability of wound opening in the inner thigh area.

Important stages of the recovery process:

  • Intensive follow-up for the first 48 hours
  • Use of compression garment for 1-2 weeks
  • Daily dressing and wound care
  • Gradual return to daily activities
  • 3-4 weeks starting light walks
  • Return to normal physical activities after 6-8 weeks
  • Full recovery and final result in 3-6 months

What Should Be Considered After Thigh Lift Surgery?

In the period after thigh lift surgery, some important rules must be followed for a successful healing process and optimal results. It is very important to strictly follow the surgeon's recommendations, use compression garments regularly and pay attention to hygiene rules. Lifestyle changes should be made to speed up the healing process and minimize the risk of complications.

Important points to be aware of:

  • Regular dressing changes and wound care
  • Lying in the recommended position
  • Use of compression garments for the recommended duration
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Avoid heavy exercise and sports for the first 4-6 weeks
  • Balanced nutrition and plenty of water consumption
  • Regular attendance at follow-up appointments
  • Avoiding sudden and excessive movements
  • Protect the wound area from direct sunlight
  • Regular use of recommended medicines

What are the Benefits of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh lift surgery is a modern aesthetic surgery method applied to correct sagging and loosening in the leg area. This surgery is especially preferred for people who experience rapid weight loss or lose skin elasticity due to aging. The operation provides a firmer and smoother appearance by removing excess skin in the thigh area.

The main benefits of thigh lift surgery are as follows:

  • Achieving a firmer and younger appearance in the legs
  • Increased mobility and relief of friction-related discomfort
  • Gaining freedom in clothing choice
  • Increased self-confidence and more comfortable movement in social life
  • Prevention of skin infections and irritations

Who is Thigh Lift Surgery Suitable for?

Thigh lift surgery offers an ideal solution for people who meet certain conditions and are uncomfortable with their physical appearance. This operation is especially suitable for individuals who have sagging skin that cannot be corrected with diet and exercise and who do not have excessive fat in the thigh area. It is important to make a detailed health assessment before the operation and to have realistic expectations.

This surgery is particularly suitable for people with the following characteristics:

  • Individuals with significant thigh sagging and laxity
  • Those experiencing rapid weight loss after bariatric surgery
  • People who are healthy and close to ideal weight
  • Non-smokers or those who can quit before surgery
  • Individuals in good general health and without chronic diseases
  • People who have realistic expectations and can manage the postoperative care process

Who is not suitable for thigh lift surgery?

Thigh lift surgery, although an effective aesthetic procedure, may pose risks or be unsuitable for some people. For this operation to be safe and successful, patients must meet certain health criteria. It is important to make a detailed health assessment before the operation and determine the risks. Patients with borderline obesity may frequently present with a thigh lift request. Complication rates are quite high when thigh lift is performed on such patients. In patients with excess weight in the thigh area, it is generally preferred to reduce the rate of fat in this area with liposuction before thigh lift and to perform thigh lift 3-6 months later.

Thigh lift surgery is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Patients with uncontrolled diabetes
  • People with serious cardiovascular diseases
  • Patients with coagulation disorders
  • Active smokers
  • Morbidly obese patients
  • Pregnant or nursing mothers
  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Those with psychological disorders that may affect the postoperative recovery process

Is Thigh Lift Surgery a Permanent Solution?

Thigh lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that provides long-lasting results when performed with the right patient selection and appropriate technique. However, permanence largely depends on the patient's lifestyle and care habits. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain weight control in order to maintain the results obtained after the operation.

Factors affecting the permanence of the surgical results are:

  • Patient age and skin elasticity
  • Ensuring weight control
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining healthy eating habits
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol use
  • Keeping sun exposure under control
  • Regular skin care

What are the Alternative Methods to Thigh Lift Surgery?

Although not as effective as thigh lift surgery, some non-invasive and minimally invasive methods can be used to treat sagging and loosening in the thigh area. These alternative methods may be particularly suitable for patients with mild to moderate skin sagging or who do not want surgical intervention. The effectiveness of each method may vary from person to person.

Methods that can be used as an alternative to thigh lift surgery:

  • Radiofrequency therapy and ultrasound technologies
  • Laser skin tightening procedures
  • Mesotherapy and PRP applications
  • Muscle strengthening exercise programs
  • Lymph drainage massages
  • Special skin care products and creams
  • Body shaping and firming masks
  • Carboxytherapy applications

What are the Prices of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh lift surgery prices vary depending on many factors. The most important factors affecting the prices include the scope of the surgery, the technique to be applied, the individual condition of the patient and the location of the city and hospital where the operation will be performed. When determining the price for this operation performed in private hospitals, anesthesia, hospital and surgeon fees are calculated separately.

The main factors affecting prices are:

  • Surgeon's experience and level of expertise
  • Location and technical infrastructure of the hospital
  • Scope and duration of surgery
  • Technology and materials to be used
  • Type and duration of anesthesia
  • Length of hospital stay
  • Post-operative care services
  • Additional processing requirements

For clear price information, it is absolutely necessary to be examined by a plastic surgery specialist. Prices may vary periodically.

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