What is Facelift?
Facelift is a surgical intervention that aims to minimize the effects of aging on the face. This procedure, also known as "rhytidectomy" in the medical literature, is one of the most common applications of modern plastic surgery. This operation removes sagging skin, reshapes facial contours and provides a younger appearance.
Aging is an inevitable and unavoidable reality of life itself. Rejuvenating and staying young has been the dream of humanity throughout history. Potions, spells and primitive anti-aging methods have been used by people since ancient times to achieve this dream. Today, thanks to the development of surgical methods and technology, it is possible to achieve a younger appearance even if aging cannot be stopped.
Many changes are seen on the face with aging. Wrinkling and thinning of the skin, loosening and loss of volume in the subcutaneous tissues, and consequently sagging, clumping in certain areas of the face and deepening of lines occur. In order to reverse all these problems, it is necessary to combine different treatments.
Facial rejuvenation is a very complex issue and developing the right treatment strategies requires considerable experience. A facelift is a comprehensive surgical procedure designed to reduce the visible effects of this natural aging process.
During this surgery, experienced plastic surgeons reposition the tissues in the lower layers of the skin, remove excess skin and strengthen the facial muscles. Thus, the jawline becomes more defined, sagging in the neck area is eliminated and the cheeks gain a fuller appearance. Modern facelift techniques aim to achieve natural-looking results and preserve the patient's unique facial features.
Facelift Surgery
Facelift surgery is a comprehensive surgical procedure performed to remove the signs of aging in the face and neck area. This operation, also known as rhytidectomy, provides a holistic rejuvenation by making corrections not only at the skin level but also at the muscle and connective tissue level. Performed with modern surgical techniques, this procedure aims to preserve the patient's natural facial contours.
During the operation, the surgeon makes incisions starting in front of the ear and continuing along the hairline. These incisions are placed at strategic points to minimize scarring during the healing process. By reaching the SMAS (Superficial Musculoponeurotic System) layer under the skin, loosened tissues are repositioned and unnecessary fat tissues are removed when necessary.
Facelift surgeries are performed together with neck lift in patients over a certain age. Full facelift refers to a lifting procedure performed in an area covering the temporal region, mid-face, lower face and neck. If there are prominent platysmal bands in the neck area, it means that a further correction is required in this area. In this case, the procedure called platysmaplasty should be added to the full facelift.
In addition, there is a salivary gland called the mandibular gland, which is located at the bottom of the lower jawbone and can descend a little with aging. The downward descent of this gland may make the gland visible after the neck lift procedure and cause swelling on the jaw line. For this reason, mandibular gland reduction should also be performed when necessary during the neck lift procedure.
Facelift surgery is not an effective surgery on the eyelids, lips and forehead. Patients who want to achieve rejuvenation in these areas may need to plan procedures such as blepharoplasty, lip lift, brow lift or mouth corner lift in the same session or in another session. It is also recommended to continue botox, filler and mesotherapy applications after facelift surgeries.
The main goals of facelift surgery:
- Temporal lifting (temporal lifting)
- Correcting sagging in the cheek area (mid facelift)
- Defining the jaw line (lower facelift)
- Stretching loose tissues in the neck area (neck lift)
- Reducing deep wrinkles
- Mandibular gland reduction when necessary
- Reshaping facial contours
- Achieving a natural and vigorous appearance
- Ensuring maximum patient satisfaction